24 February, 2010

Workshop in Progress - February 24

It seems that all of us elves are quiet this week. It must be Olympic fever!

We'll all be back next week with workshop posts, right? I do believe that we all benefit from even sharing our process as we create, even if we don't invite comments or have questions. I encourage you all to keep open to the Workshop experience.


  1. I'm going to a quilting retreat all weekend. I'm sure I will have something to post next week. :)

  2. absolutely! I'm just puttering with no real workshop goods right now ;-) Next week for sure!

  3. I very much look forward to WIP Wednesday. The Puzzle quilt was supposed to be no peeks till the reveal so much as I wanted some input I stuck to the rules. That push and the prep for a weekend away has me with no WIPS to flap up for viewing. I have all sorts of good intentions for my return. 8^)

  4. Olympics are really cramping my quilting style! How about that Canada-Russia hockey game! Or how about gold AND silver in women's bobsleigh! In fact I will have something workshop-related to post tomorrow - just couldn't manage to get it together to post today.

  5. I plan on putting something up for the workshop soon -- just have been working on some other things. will definitely need some help with a big quilt decision though!

  6. I got some great opinions with my workshop last week! This week, I'm staying up too late to watch the Olympics and waiting for fabric to arrive. :)
