08 February, 2010

A Pillow

My latest little hand project is complete. A week in my chair and this sweet pillow is now propping up my knees and their ice packs.

Made with a little fusible applique, outlined with a simple black running stitch. The background was actually a sarong that someone gave me a long time ago. I hand quilted the whole thing, and backed it with some Amy Butler Full Moon Dots in Tangerine.

The inspiration for the project came directly from Marisa at Creative Thursday. Really, the inspiration was two fold.  One, she is such a positive spirit, even in the face of struggles and challenges. When I took her e-course she commented that she is generally a happy person and that she refuses to apologize for that. Good for her. And eye-opening for me. I've been accused of being negative (cynical?) by some pretty important people to me. But one can easily choose to be happy and live happy. It is still a challenge for me, but it is working.

Besides, if I let all the crap that happens to us get me down I would never get out of bed in the morning!

The second point of inspiration was the composition of the piece.  Marisa makes the sweetest paintings, sculpture, and books. Make sure you take a look through her Etsy site. It is guaranteed to make you happy. While I would never want to copy her work, I'd like to think that this pillow is truly an 'inspired by' piece. It doesn't hurt that it simply makes me happy to look at it.

(And immediately after filling it and putting it on the couch the Monster curled up next to it for an impromptu nap. Now that makes me happy.)


  1. I love how this came out! It's so great and thanks for sharing a link to another amazing creative mind.

  2. So whimsical and happy! I love it as I am sure your whole family does. Thanks for the pillow inspiration! I have had pillow forms in my craft room for months now screaming for covers. I should get to work on some spring couch pillows.

  3. Beautiful! And a great use for a sarong :) ... I have a few of those laying around somewhere ... time to find them!

  4. That really is a sweet pillow and a super kodak moment. I'm glad to hear that you aren't down and out but are actually up in an important if not physical way.

  5. I love how the blue fabric is (or appears) variegated. And love the quilt next to it, too!

  6. It is a happy pillow, nice job! You should be proud. Thanks for giving such insight into your creative process.

  7. The pillow is great! Hope you're healing is going well. It's so hard to be patient.

  8. It looks fabulous :-) It's great to see that something so lovely can come out of unpleasantness. I hope the healing is progressing! (Though I'm enjoying the handwork, so I won't complain about that ;-)) x

  9. Oh my gosh, that pillow is absolutely ADORABLE! I love the design. It makes me happy just looking at it.

  10. What a day brightener... the pillow is delightful, and I love how you shared your inspiration with us! (And your little monster is a real cutie-pie!)

  11. I have a weakness for pillows. This is really cute! My kids love to attack every new pillow i make too.

  12. Your pillow is beautiful and I love the picture of your daughter resting next to it.
