15 February, 2010

Back to Circles

It might be the inspiration from the Olympic rings in the winter snow. Or I was just looking for a bigger hand project than the previous two.

I've spent the last week prepping some circles for a new project. I've picked 29 different fabrics, cut out 29 freezer paper circles, ironed, and almost finished the basting stitch (by hand) on all of them. And so far I only had to stand for the ironing.  Today I will do the same to press down my gathers and get the circles ready for hand applique.

All 29 circles will be appliqued on a plain white background. I know, me and a white background?! But I got it in my head to make a low volume quilt inspired by Malka Dubrawsky. Somehow it seems appropriate in these low volume, but slightly sunnier days of February.

In case you were wondering, I'm still doing handwork because my knees aren't getting any better. In fact, I found out last week that surgery is inevitable. We're just waiting to find out when that will be. Cross your fingers that it is sooner rather than later.  


  1. I did see the article on quiet quilts and I have a pile of white backed fabric. Very restful, refreshing and down right cute. I'm hoping for the best for you, Cheryl.

  2. Oh man...I'll have to send some fun your way. Let me know when it's going down.

    I can't get any pictures to load so I'll have to dream your circles on white.

    I LOVE the term LOW VOLUME.

  3. Your newest quilt will be wonderful. I love circles, have talked about doing them, and seem to be stuck in angles... time to break out hmmm?
    I hope your surgery is soon, goes well and your recovery is complete.

  4. Your circles look beautiful! Great fabir choices. And I'm really into hand stitching these days too, knee problems or not--it's so relaxing. (But I hope your knees feel better soon!)

  5. I really like your circles. You are so patient to do the freezer paper and hand basting thing. They look great. Hope all works out with your knees. I hurt my left knee skiing a few years back. Luckily, no surgery needed, but I still have pain every once in a while.

  6. Oh, Cheryl! Good luck with your knees. That is a world of no-fun.

    The good news is that your handwork is beautiful.

  7. Im working low volume too.. funny.
    Sorry to hear about your knees (that Sucks) .. excellent and exciting project idea. Can't wait to see how it turns out..
    I've almost decided to quit blogging altogether, But I will be reading/commenting more and writing longer blurbs on my flickr..

  8. Beautiful fabrics, Cheryl! Where do you get them from? I too am going to do a circle project - if I ever get a moment to sew again...
