20 January, 2010

Relaunching the Workshop in Progress

The new year is a perfect time to tackle projects that got pushed aside in the hectic holiday season. For me, that means bringing back the Workshop in Progress.

Workshop in Progress is about encouraging those of us with an on-line presence to open up and share the details, challenges, and a ha moments of our creative process.  This can include everything from the struggle to pick just the right binding, to sharing tips on space set-up. The whole point is that we are being open about the process and not holding on to our work so tight until that last stitch goes in the binding. Use the resources and opinions of those around who share your creative passion. Many of the participants have said how useful the process has been for them, both in receiving comments and providing them.

Every Wednesday will now be Workshop Wednesday.  Not only will I share some more of my projects (once I can sew again) but I will also do a weekly round-up of posts out there.  If you are posting something particularly to get opinion, please send me an email in case I miss the post. I will do my best to catch the posts, but I'm only a working mom with two blogs and may miss some.

As for the above picture, well, it's hard to post without a picture.  This was a fun moment with Smilosaurus, all captured with dots. And thank-you for all your kind words with my injury. I'm still killing time on the couch and I have indeed started a hand project.


  1. Love the photo! And I'm looking forward to participating in WIP... it is kind of silly how so many of us don't want to show our work until it's done-done-done. I wonder how that originated?

  2. Love the photo! I could have something to do with all the dots.

  3. Oh fantastic! Thank you for kick starting this again.

    It was so helpful last year and right now I'm contemplating a massive project, and if I go ahead, I think I'll be in serious need of input on colour schemes and fabric choices!

    Glad to hear you're resting up. I hope you're not too bored and that you get a date for surgery soon.

  4. Wonderful! I like the WIP concept. Blogging is such a motivational tool. I'd like to see it used more. Quilting is by tradition a many membered happening and there is no reason that we can't be part of the togetherness with the new technology that is now available and I'm not talking about rotary cutters! So yes, thanks Cheryl. I'll be wooking forward to WIP Wednesdays!

  5. i think this is a really great idea. i'd really like to be part of it. i really like the idea of posting things that are in progress- especially if we are giving each other feedback. is there some sort of flickr group for this? it might be an easy way to keep track of things that people are working on.

  6. That's a great idea - I guess I've been under the impression that people mainly want to see finishes, although I have gotten lots of good advice when I've shown flubbed projects or techniques that didn't work as planned. I'm in!

  7. I just read about your knee injury. I am so sorry. At least you did it while skiing. A few years ago I mangled my knee while standing in line at the ski lift. I fell over. Not a great story. I also found me a sewing machine that is computerized and will work without a foot pedal, in case something happened to my foot, or leg I could still sew. It has been a great relief to my mind. Funny the things that worry us. Hopefully you will heal quickly.

  8. I'm excited to get a centralized place for Workshop in Progress. I've really enjoyed finding the blogs and getting feedback. Thanks for taking it on!

  9. my last post was a perfect one for this...i should have let you know...i did get some interesting ideas on my feeling blue quilt. it always helps to have other eyes look at a project. i love the wednesday idea. try to enjoy your time on the couch...hope you're not hurting!

  10. This is great, thanks for relaunching! Maybe you could use one of those Mr. Linky tools so people can add their links. Might be less work for you.

  11. i'm anxious to see what hand project you started.

  12. Hi Cheryl!
    Can I join? I was a little uncertain last 'round' but now I feel a bit more confident in my abilities and think I could use some insights as well as give some insights... let me know!

  13. Okaaaaaaay. So that is just what I needed to hear to get back to blogging. And I have a lot in my workshop. Thanks Cheryl!

  14. Wonderful dots photo! Thanks for sharing it... did you "set it up" or was it a "happy accident"?
