08 January, 2010

Friday Favourites - Quilts of 2009

In the midst of year end posts and resolutions that so many of us make, I wanted to share some of my favourites from the past year.  These aren't my quilts.  They are quilts I've found on-line that either challenge me, inspire me, or simply make me smile.

I am amazed by Victoria's creativity and unique approach to design.  She makes me want to pick up a needle and hand quilt something, anything, everything.

This is a perfect example of taking inspiration and making it your own.  r0ssie did ask me if she could take my design from Your Parents Are Cool and run with it.  I certainly appreciate that she asked.  And I love what she did with it.

Square Dance by Amanda Jean at Crazy Mom Quilts
I'll admit that I am not generally a fan of charm quilts.  Simplicity is lovely, but it can get boring or predictable.  With this quilt Amanda Jean varied the size of the charms to create such movement.  This quilt is simple, but so dynamic. (Amanda Jean isn't blogging anymore, so make sure to keep up with her work on Flickr.)

Amy does fantastic, bold yet simple quilts.  We all know about my circle love, that's why this quilt calls to me.  I've also been growing on the notion of scrappy quilts lately (in case you couldn't tell).

Orangeblue (UFO) by leslieschmidt4
I know this one kind of looks like my Gratitude design. Believe me when I say it was unintentional.  I already had my quilt designed when I came across this quilt.  Isn't is fantastic? I am also in love with this one by the same artist.

Wanda has a fantastic eye for colour in her quilts.  She works from patterns at times and you would be hard pressed to put her in any sort of a box when it comes to style.  I love that about her.  And her use of fabric is amazing - notions of light, space, and movement come across regardless of the quilt she makes.  These Cobblestones quilts are a perfect example of her work.

Construction Quilt by Zonnah's Addictions
This quilt has a such a sense of humour and some fantastic design. The quilting, with it's variation in spacing is perfect complement to the arrows.  

Victoria manages to churn out quilts so quickly and with such a refreshing sense of improv and brightness.  I'm hard pressed to pick some of my favourites of hers, but this one comes close. Probably because I also live vicariously through her life in New York City and this one screams skyscraper to me!

It's no secret that I love colour.  How fantastic is this? It isn't a quilt, but it is stunning.  It is also making me think a little bit more about embroidery. With a colour project of my own underway this wheel serves as a bit of inspiration.

I hope that little list gave you some more inspiration, and maybe introduced you to a few new spots on the interwebs. I'll be back next week with a project update.  I've been sewing up a storm and I can't wait to share these blocks with you.


  1. Wow, what a great list and a few I hadn't seen before. Thanks for including me among such talented quilters.

  2. All of them are so inspiring! Thank you for taking the time to share w/us.

  3. What an awesome post! Thanks for sharing the links.

  4. Great way to spend the evening! Thanks!

  5. You pretty much summed up my favorites of the year too!

  6. I just saw Victoria's Work Quilt the other day and it is amazing! She is such a talented quilter! Thanks so much for the inspiration and happy new quilt year!

  7. What a great post! Very inspirational. My fave has to be the Fraction quilt!

  8. There were a lot of new people I hadn't visited before. Thanks for the links.

  9. These are soo inspiring! Thank you soo much for such gorgeous links! Have a lovely merry happy weekend and love to yoU!

  10. Thanks for these links! I didn't know about most of these people and there's lots of inspiration in the quilts you picked.

  11. you should review your favorite quilts every month! it's so fun to see what other's favorites are. thanks for including me in your line up with other such amazing qulits.

    i was JUST drooling over the work quilt by victoria. it's amazing and so inspiring.

  12. awesome list! thanks so much for putting it together!
