02 December, 2009

Giveaway Day

It's Giveaway Day at ! I had such a good time in the spring, so I knew I had to sign up again. I've actually got two giveaways here.

First up is a quilt.  I made this wall hanging to celebrate the launch of 350.org. And with the big meeting starting in Copenhagen next week I thought it a perfect time to highlight local and global efforts to address climate change.  I won't step on my soap box but I will say this:

I believe climate change is happening.
I believe humans are having a discernible impact on the world's climate.
I believe that if climate change is not proven to be real we have done no harm in taking action.
I believe that real change will come from both the individual and the political.

This quilt reflects the Prairie Landscape in its choice of fabrics, the layout to mimic the fields, and the quilting details. I made it without buying a thing.  It is machine pieced with fusible applique, machine quilting, and a handstitched binding. It is 100% cotton and comes with a hanging sleeve already attached.

Leave a comment here for one entry.  I don't believe in forcing action, insincere action, on people so there are no extra entries for signing up at 350.org. But I strongly encourage you to at least check out that organization and the many others.  And rather than enter here, make one small commitment to yourself and the next generation to reduce emissions - change a lightbulb, shut off the car, shop at the farmers' market, or turn down the thermostat.

As quilters there are many ways we can reduce the impact of what we do. A key way is through the use of scraps.  This is my daily scrap bin.  From here, I sort according to colour and selvages. I'll be honest, I used to throw out these pieces, but I use them now.  Except, I don't use the selvages.  However, I now know that other people use these with gorgeous results.  So I am giving away my relatively recent collection of selvages.  Close to 50 unique selvages from Amy Butler to Denyse Schmidt and everything in between.

I will use the random number generator to pick two winners.  Please, leave your comments and note any commitments you are making to tackle climate change on the homefront.  The giveaway is open until December 6, midnight MST. And yes, I will happily ship internationally.


  1. What a neat quilt-
    I have several scrap baskets- I like to waste nothing- I include them in my scrappy collage notepads and other little goodies I make :)

  2. Lovely quilt! I'm just learning how to sew, so I barely have any scraps.

  3. Both prizes are great.

    My kids and I save all soda cans and once a year we take them to the recycle plant and I split the money between my kids. They love it.

  4. what a lovely quilt for a great cause.

  5. The quilt is perfect for the Copenhagen summit.

    I would positively love those selvages as I am saving mine for a special project.

  6. Good for you! I love scraps. (I actually think they're more freeing to use than expensive fabric I'm afraid to cut wrong and ruin, also!)

  7. I love the quilt and the quilting on it is perfect!

    I just started saving my selvages after seeing some quilts made from them. I feel bad for not saving them before!

  8. we use energy saving bulbs, turn off the lights, heat with a woodstove, and use reusable shopping bags. we recycle lots! these are basic things that everyone can do!


  9. Lovely giveaway! Yes, we all need to do something to make sure that we leave a healthy planet for our children.

    Thanks for the chance!

  10. Such a great idea to include climate change in your give-away. I do as much as I can to help the world, I recycle glass and plastic bottles, make sure to seperate my normal household trash from the stuff that could be used for compost and I turn off the water every time I catch my dad leaving it running while he's brushing his teeth :) Oh, and since I'm a beginner at sewing I save all of my scraps as well.

    I can be contacter at dutchy2504 [at] gmail [dot] com

  11. I love scraps too! I keep the thermostat low, just placed a filled bottle in the toilet tank to reduce water, and have replaced all the regular light bulbs with CFLs. Oh, and a new low-flow shower head -- that works better than the old one!

  12. i love scraps!

    we're doing as much as we can for the world and teaching our 4 year olds the same. we have replaced all our light bulbs and we unplug all of our power strips at night.

  13. i can't believe how nice that quilt is! climate changes? pulling out the sweaters! happy giveaway day! here's my giveaway http://www.simplymodernmom.com/2009/12/the-gift-box-a-giveaway/

  14. Love the quilt and the message!

    What don't I do to help the environment (climate change)? I recycle, I am a vegetarian, I don't drive unless I have to, I reuse old clothes, I buy organic local produce when it is available...um I turn off things when I am not using them. I help plant a garden every year. I am sure there is more. :)

  15. It is so true about the climate change. I took my daughter to see Planet Earth, and wow, did that ever give us a wake up call! It's so true that even a few simple changes can really impact the worlds environment.

  16. Love the quilt and the thought behind it - and I love the scraps. Lovely!

  17. Great giveaway! Thank you for sharing your concerns and for the great prizes! WE can all make a difference :)

  18. Wow! Can I PLEASE have your selvedges???? Fingers crossed! I love recycling and I love upcycling clothing-- thrift stores are awesome!

  19. Beautiful quilt!

    and I'd love those wonderful selvages :)

  20. Awesome idea. I'm already familiar with 350.org, but this is such a great way to raise awareness.

  21. What a neat quilt! I agree--there are so many things we can do to make our world better.

  22. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!

    We recycle everything that we can and I also turn the thermostat up or down depending on the season. I only make one trip into town and if I forget something, oh well, it will wait until the next trip.

  23. What a beautiful quilt!

    We do lots of hand-me-downs for our kids.

  24. "I believe that if climate change is not proven to be real we have done no harm in taking action." I love this idea - because no matter what you feel about this issue, this should be a true statement for everyone! Thanks for the info on the website... My household generally recycles more than we trash, and we're in the process of changing lightbulbs to CFLs in our brand new house, along with eventual upgrades to more energy efficient appliances. And I'm trying to do my part to reduce pollution in LA by driving a hybrid car! None of these things is a burden for me, and I like spending less money on gas!

  25. I love your wall hanging. I'm a freshman in college here in the states and I'm going to major in Environmental Studies. I think 350 is a great organization that deserves a lot of attention. Thanks!

  26. I'll admit most of the changes we've made in our home are purely pragmatic but have the side benefit of benefiting our environment. I've cloth diapered for the past 5.5 years, we use mostly cloth in the kitchen and *ahem* I use cloth for myself LOL.

  27. I love selvages :)

    At our house we've switched to "green" electricity and I rule the thermostat with an iron fist during the winters. I knit those warm sweaters for a reason. I also just try to buy less stuff, and encourage others to buy us less stuff.

    Thanks for the reminder!

  28. Wow--I am so glad you made your giveaway a way to educate readers about this important issue! Thank you.

  29. OH, goodness. What a great giveaway! Thanks for being so generous and for sharing your cause. I traded in my big ol' pick up truck for a much more fuel efficient car. We do little things around the house, like changing lightbulbs, turning the heat down when we're out, etc. Little things, but hopefully it helps!

  30. I try to reduce waste by using fabric-bags. And here in Germany we have recycle systems for cans and plastic bottles. I don't know if you have something like this.

  31. I'm turning down the heat a few degrees to save energy and $. Love this quilt.

  32. SPECTACULAR quilt! We're keeping out heat lower. We're using fabric scraps to wrap gifts and I just brought all sorts of reuse supplies to make a craft at my daughter's school--tiny bamboo silk teepees made with sticks and clay!
    Thank you for telling us all about the 350 project.

  33. The firts rule of our quilt group No Fabric Gets Thrown Away. We have a couple of bins throughout the room and that is where we put the scraps.

  34. Thank you for your marvelous giveaway. Your quilt is lovely. I don't save selvages yet, but I probably should...I buy scrap bags alot, so I guess I dont have many selveges really!
    Last year we changed to all energy saving lightbulbs...and Im freezing now that it is winter!! the house is never warm enough ...

  35. I've made a commitment to stop buying bottled water. My husband and I bought a water cooler and we use that to fill reuseable water bottles. The water tastes better and bonus, we drink more of it since it's much cheaper.

  36. Climate change scares the wits out of me - I'm in Ottawa, normally on December 2nd we'd be in mittens and snowsuits but we're not. It hasn't even been cold enough to make the mould spores dormant so we are in December and my allergies are still acting up! It's CRAZY!

    Our little family makes small steps, we grow our own veggies (and buy from local farmers what we can't grow), can and freeze so we don't have to buy imported produce (much, there are times of course, it is Canada after all), compost and reuse everything possible. Thanks for taking today to remind us all that the little steps matter!

  37. what a great give a way you are offering along with an even better message! Our family is All GREEN!

  38. Beautiful quilt and great scraps. We strive to reuse as much as we can. Right now I'm using scraps to sew as many Christmas gifts as possible, from scrappy fabric belts to tea wallets and crayon roll bags.

  39. HMM; do you cut your selvedges off before you slice things? I have been just trimming off the ends of any strips I am using. I may need to rethink that, but...
    We are farm based so simple lifestyle and stewards of the land is part of how we do life. How can anybody go to a dump, aka landfill site and not be convicted?

  40. Beautiful quilt!! I am definitely a "waste not, want not" kinda girl...have been all of my life! I've even figured out ways to use scraps from my serger! We are lucky to have a recycle pick/up in our town, so we recycle everything that is not trash..keep our thermostat low, most of the bulbs are the CFLs...and I reuse clothing as often as possible!! You are truly and inspiration and your quilting teachings are making me want to try something other than squares!! Lovely things...thank you!

  41. what a beautiful quilt - i'm totally into the reusing thing right now!

  42. I couldn't agree with you more:) What a great giveaway! Thanks!
    christinbanda at yahoo dot com

  43. Thank You for the chance to win your giveaway.

    The quilt is adorable.


  44. Great giveaway...I have more than a scrap basket ;o} It's more like a scrap tote ha...I don't throw anything away...I reuse what I can.

  45. What a great quilt! I love that it stands for something! I was at a quilting retreat recently with Amanda of Crazy Mom Quilts and let me tell you--all those scraps I've saved and didn't know why or what to do with now have new lives! Thanks for speaking out and even if it has nothing to do with us, these changes don't hurt anything the save money and have a smaller impact that what we were doing! Thanks for the chance to win!!

  46. I need the selvedges! I made one valence for my sewing room from aquas and green ones and have another window valence to do...I ran out of aqua and green! We have our own organic garden, I 'put up' veggies and fruits; raise our own beef and chicken and recycle what we can. thanks for participating in world awareness and in the giveaway.

  47. I have a lot of scraps too, now to find some great uses for them..

  48. o wow! that quilt is so beautiful!!
    i try to recycle what ever is possible
    paper, plastic, batteries
    and so

  49. Selvedges??!!?? OOooohhhhh! That quilt is beautiful, too!

    As for climate change, I've been trying to hand-make as many gifts as possible, reduce energy waste at home, buying local and then organic if local isn't available, trying to drive less and get more errands complete on every outing, and switching to corn-based kitty litter. I try to add a new thing as soon as I get into the routine with the last eco-resolution.

  50. wow - what a beautiful piece for such a vital message.(I'm a stained glass artist and lover of all things reusable. I can't remember the last time I bought clothes that weren't found in a thrift shop!)

    (You've probably seen this elsewhere, but have you ever considered using fabric to wrap presents? No need to throw out all of that paper!)

    Thank you so much!

  51. Sweet! I would cherish this quilt with all my heart!! I have been really trying to reduce my carbon footprint lately and have replaced all the light bulbs in my house with energy efficient ones. I even had to buy some new light cover to accommodate the big old bulbs. Also, this Christmas I made a vow to not buy those cheapy "obligatory" gifts for people who don't really want or need them. No way! I hate thinking of those things being produced and then thrown out. I'm making cloth coasters and candy for reusable and indigestible gifts!

  52. What a beautiful giveaway! Even if we're wrong about climate change, there are plenty of other reasons to clean up the planet. Thank you for being so committed.

  53. 1. I totally agree

    2. omg, selvages

    3. I try to make little changes every day to lead a greener life. Here's one for the ladies that may be a little TMI. I use a diva cup instead of sanitary napkins or tampons. This is probably one of the best decisions I have ever made. The amount of waste it saves is incredible. Not to mention the amount of money it saves! It's also way more comfortable. Yeah, I totally recommend it.

  54. we have one car and my hubby carpools half the week, we walk as much as possible!

    Please enter me in the draw!

  55. That Quilt is amazing, if I was lucky enough to win it I would talke it to my local parliament and show them.

    We have changed to energy efficient light bulbs, we don't buy foods packaged in plastic (does making shopping a little harder but it's worth it) our kids lunches are always packaged in reusable containers, we recycle our laundry water back into a special tank that then flushes our toilets etc.

  56. Wow, what a beautiful quilt and giveaway.
    I love your post.
    I'm an avid up-cycler and love to find new purpose for nearly everything...although I must admit my husband is starting to wonder about the growing drawer of toilet rolls.
    Thank you for sharing.

  57. Awesome! We are cloth diapering so our two littles make less of an impact ecologically.

  58. Good for you for incorporating such an important message into your giveaway! Now PICK ME (randomly, of course). Thanks so much.

  59. Leftovers can make the most creative memory makers!
    shannoncarman at yahoo dot com

  60. a wonderful giveaway & I do love your commitment to the cause. One thing I do is use my fabric grocery bags (which I make myself!)

  61. We are trying to use glass reusable containers, we're teaching our little ones to recycle, changed all our light bulbs and trying to reduce waste...
    I already have some ideas about using those scraps!!! Please pick me!!

  62. great quilt for a great cause..i believe all people could do something then there would be cleaner air and better environment for everyone....

    thanks for the giveaway

  63. pretty quilt.nice work


  64. I like your soapbox. Growing up, because my parents lived through WW11, they knew the importance of using things up. I've gone back to being frugal like they were. Frugal in the sense of being wise and not wasteful. Anyway, I love your quilt and hope I win. Thanks.

  65. I admire your quilt!
    And I hope some people will check out your link :) I am about as green as can be, we are no car family, I walk my daughter to school, we try to bring minimal plastic home, recycle/reuse, take things to thrift stores (and shop there) and try to buy mostly local food. I even converted my husband to drink American wine rather than European :D Every little bit helps!

  66. Lovely quilt and very nice giveaway. I eat a vegan diet. I think what you eat has a big impact environmentally. I also work for environmental health news on the web.

  67. What you are doing to raise awareness is wonderful! Beautiful quilt!

    cassandra.pendergraff (at) gmail (dot) com

  68. Really lovely quilt.

    My husband and I have become serious recyclers. My husband even brings home used styrofoam cups from work and we recycle them on the weekend. There is always more we can do though!

  69. Hummmmmm I read quilt along week 4??? I'm just too anal to lean my blocks like that. The quilt top looks great and maybe someday I'll be a bit looser?

  70. I try to bring bags to the store. It doesn't always work as I forget but I try. Thank you for the chance to win. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas. -dez

  71. Great giveaway. I, too, am conscious of my environment. I'm a long time recycler...way before the county made curbside pick up we used to drive a 1/2 hr away to recycle. I'm new to quilting, but save all but the smallest of scraps, I hope to one day make a scap quilt out of what I save.

  72. I buy thrift store clothing to quilt with! I do buy new fabric too, but there is so much there at the thrift stores that can be used.
    Would love to win your giveaway!
    Merry Christmas!!!

  73. I love the message *and* the quilt! Thanks for promoting a good cause.

  74. Would love to put those scraps to use. Thanks!!!


  75. My employer provides covered parkign for those who car pool. I used to but because of a hectic schedule on my part, I had to pull out this year.

  76. I love using up extra scraps! Thanks for a chance to win.

  77. Wow, what a beautiful quilt and a powerful message. Thank you for keeping this on my mind as I frantically scour the internet looking for give-aways :) I do my best for my environment - chickens in my backyard for scraps, manure for the gardens; compost bin; cloth diapers; glass containers; etc. As a quilter I save every scrap and I even piece my batting. Love your blog!

  78. Thanks for the chance to win this lovely quilt. We do a lot at home regarding climate change. The biggest change I've made personally is that my diet is now plant-based. My husband and I both feel that it is irresponsible to deny or ignore the problem and are not shy about sharing our views.

  79. Hello! I'm a follower and added you to my blog list. Thank you for participating in this great give away!

  80. I love the title of your blog! It's so true, isn't it?
    One little thing I like to do is repurpose materials rather than buying new things. It's fun being creative.

  81. It is a lovely quilt and great sentiments. We never use plastic bags and heat the house using our fireplace and wood-burning sauna as much as possible. (I am a Canadian currently living in Finland where saunas are found in almost all houses and apartments.) And my favourite quilts are those made from scraps, including my children's outgrown clothes.

  82. Lovely quilt. I've been trying to change my habits to be more ecofriendly, using cloth bags, turning off lights, & now that it's colder turning down thermostats.

    Thank you for having a giveaway.

    silkaphyllis at gmail.com

  83. I love selvages! I am currently making a quilt out of them... needless to say it's not even a baby size quilt yet just because of the fact that I am fairly new to the quilting world! Anyway I love 350.org and I have recently started recycling, reusing, and reducing... I love planet Earth!!!

  84. what a beautiful quilt for a beautiful cause :) thank you for giving me this chance :)

  85. hi
    what a generous giveaway!
    i'm a big recycler - my family joke that i recycle absolutely everything!
    gill x

  86. Oh my goodness, what an incredibly generous giveaway!
    I'm with you on the climate change front. It's something that I think about constantly and am doing my best to help. I choose not to own a car. I use my feet or public transit to get around. I re-use as much as I can; we avoid putting anything in the garbage can. I support green policies and small/home based businessed. I avoid plastic crap.

    Thanks for the chance to enter!!!

    kimmieluwho at yahoo dot ca

  87. Your quilt is very nice, beautiful colors,I am in for your giveaway

  88. I love the messages in your post and blog, the quilt is AMAZING! Thanks for your inspiration!

  89. What a lovely giveaway!! We recycle, upcycle and try to buy used if we need somthing. I use the dryer as little as possible and work to be as conscience as I can about our 'footprint'!

  90. Beautiful quilt! I have a couple scrap baskets... I sort strips from blocky shapes because I assume that will be how I will use them.

    I stopped buying bottles water this last summer and I keep my house right a bove refrigerator temp when I am home alone.

  91. What a nice giveaway! I keep my heat at 53 degrees in the day when I am not home and at 56 - 58 when I am home - I live in Ohio. Yes, it is a little cold, but I save on my gas bill and I can do it because of wearing polar fleece. I also try to only have one light on unless I am working at night in my studio and I have to have more light. I keep my washer and dryer unplugged to save on any electricity that might be drawn from them being plugged in. The same goes for any small appliances. My next venture is to replace all my bulbs with compact flurosecents. I also compost my yard waste and recycle as much paper, foil, and cans as possible. All of these things are easy for anyone to do.

  92. I love the quilt. I am not a sewer but I could find something for the scraps :)

  93. I agree, we all could do more. We recycle and heat with wood as much as possible, but my next goal is to line dry our clothes! Thansk for the chance to win your selvages, I love playing with those!

  94. Have you not heard about the hoax this has been revealed to be? The truth is suppressed by people with a political agenda. Sorry but I hate to see misinformation spread.

  95. "I believe climate change is happening.
    I believe humans are having a discernible impact on the world's climate."

    - Absolutely!!!!

    What a wonderful cause! I'll be checking it out! Thanks for the chance to win.

  96. wow, thanks for the thinking post.
    We do the "basic" stuff like recycling, but we also use cloth napkins instead of paper...

    (I also bring my lunch - so while I may drive to work, I am not also driving to get lunch, nor am I contributing to the waste that is associated with eating out - paper cups & wrappers on my basic level.)

  97. I love your quilt Cheryl! What a great post too :)

  98. Thank you so much for your post, and for making such an inspired quilt.

    I really believe that individually, we can make a difference. Our actions do count. I've given up my car. I use my bike, even when it's far. I try to buy locally whenever possible, and sustainably when it's not. I repurpose, re-make, reuse, and try to inspire others to do the same. And, most definitely, I try most of all to open my heart and mind to new ways of living, seeing, and making do.

  99. aren't scrapes the best! Seriously such an easy way to not waste so much. Your quilt is beautiful, that is so generous of you to give it away. Thanks for the chance to win! Feel free to check out my give away at postsofinspiration.blogspot.com

  100. I firmly believe all those things too and make little steps every part of every day to try and make a difference - I believe those little steps in volume can add up to a big difference - would love to win your giveaway - thanks for the chance!

  101. The quilt is absolutely gorgeous! Thanks for the chance at winning!!!

  102. Love the selvage stash!

    Thanks for participating in the giveaway!


  103. My daughter loves scraps because her dolls get new clothes from them. The quilt is absolutely gorgeous.

  104. Beautiful quilt and I love scraps!


  105. Loving the quilt! =)

  106. Hi,
    I think it's too late to fix climate change, unless something drastic happens and in that case we will no longer care about climate change anyway. However, I understand the desire not to personally contribute to the problem; I have that reaction but more towards human/animal rights. So we're not buying anything new this year that wasn't made by someone getting a fair deal for their labor. (In other words, if I wouldn't do it myself for what I'm paying, I won't buy it.)

    I like scraps too. Seems more honest somehow.

  107. My hubby and I have changed out all our bulbs in our house with florescent ones!

  108. what an amazing quilt. i love the different details you put into it... a story behind a quilt is much more impacting (in my opinion).
    we actually had our roof replaced last year. it was a darker one and we opted for a lighter one (almost white) to not only help our own energy bills go down but to help with global warming. i think it should be mandatory on all houses.
    hope i win and thank you for thinking about our world.
    yawkar618 at yahoo dot com

  109. I am also very committed to tackling climate change. It's so frustrating, since a lot of my family members don't "believe" in climate change!!! We recycle like crazy in my house; I reuse everything I can. I am also involved with the Go Green iniative at my office and we've switched over to almost all recycled paper now. Baby steps.

  110. Glad to find you, I am a fellow Albertan with little ones, and I just started sewing. I have big dreams of making a small quilt with the material from some of my girls' favorite baby clothes. Now I know where to turn when I have piles of questions! We are doing the usual things to help this planet, with composting and recycling, and we have also made it our mission to get out and clean trash alone the roadways with our kids, a couple times a year.

  111. Hey, I love your sentiments you expressed here, and in particular the "not forcing insincere action" on others - it's one of my the things I don't like about blogland, the "follow my blog for an entry" thing, what difference does it make if someone follows or not? If I visit a blog and like it, it's added to my blog roll, nothing seems to happen when I follow it, but who knows, maybe there are benefits that I don't know about. Anyway, I love how you phrased this! I'm big on not wasting anything; water, heat, electricity, gas, stuff... recently, a quilter told me she saves thread ends and tiny pieces of fabrics to eventually stuff a huge sitting pillow with. So now I'm saving mine, and though I'll probably never use them, I know whom to give them to now ;)

    Love your blog and see, you're on my blog roll :)


    PS: I guess that was a tinsy-tiny rant ;)

  112. We've started using washable fabric products in place of cotton balls, paper towels and napkins.


  113. I'm trying to reuse paper, fuse plastic bags into new lasting bags, grow our own vegtables, take the bike as often as possible...
    I really love that beautiful quilt of yours! I can already imagine it in my livingroom or in my studio...

  114. Let's see. I recycle glass, metals, paper, cardboard from food products, and brown cardboard. I put food scraps in the compost. I don't have a car and usually go everywhere by bike. I don't buy plastic grocery bags (but I'm afraid I do put some of my groceries into the store's fruit and vegetable bags).

  115. I recycle cans and glass... I used cloth bags to shop with...

    love you sentiment...and I will check out that organization...

    nhsarab at yahoo dot com

  116. I love that you make an effort to make a difference. I recently got into quilting, and now try to save as many scraps as I can to add to a quilt, selvages included.

  117. great giveaway...thanks for coming to my blog, saying hello and entering the giveaway. good luck
    i have just been trying to be more aware and instead of throwing things away thinking of new or different ways to use them


  118. I have a collection of scraps also. I making the quilt that was posted last month on Sew MaMa Sew.

  119. I have recently helped to "green" my office!

  120. Beautiful quilt, and a great backstory for it. I've been thinking about using a clothesline to save dryer electricity. Now, I'm going to commit to actually doing it. And, I live where it's warm all the time, so no excuses!

  121. Love the quilt! Here in Norway we're sorting the garbage in different garbage bins, recycling milk cartons, glass bottles and metal cans. And we're trying to remember on every shopping trip to use our reusable bags instead of buying plastic ones. We're heating with wood mostly and trying to use less water everyday - hardest on mum, loving her hot shower every morning, but i'm trying...

  122. I loved your quilt when it popped up on my screen, but love it even more after reading about it. Great organization, great quilt. I also love your selvage giveaway. I save all my scraps and just started saving my selvages as well. I've only made one selvage project so far, but have seen some great ones out there. We try to do our part for the environment. My middle son especially is very concerned about global climate change. We do the usual recycling, taking our own bags to the grocery, giving to Goodwill rather than throwing away, etc but there is always more that can be done. Thanks for bringing attention to the subject....and the for giveaways.

  123. what a great quilt! I love quilted wall hangings. Happened to notice you're in Calgary, I am too! :)

    I also use ALL my scraps, sometimes for making patchwork items, and sometimes just to be used as stuffing for various kids or dog toys. All the teeny tiny scraps go into a bag and whenever I need to stuff something, I go there first

  124. beautiful quilt, your work is gorgeous

  125. a beautiful quilt and it's beautiful scraps??? i think my head might explode from excitement! my husband and i are big on green too. we're trying for more handmade, thrifted around the house, recycling and biodegradeable products, cloth diapers etc. i do miss my clothesline. we moved this summer and that was on thing i was sad to see go for the time being. thanks!

  126. I love the quilt and do use recycled materials-- especially t shirts t make my love's clothing:)

  127. I actually use tiny scraps, much smaller than these shown as stuffing. Love the quilt and the idea behind it, with the prairie colors and the quilting stitching. Also, I had not heard of 350.org, so thank you for highlighting it to me.

  128. What a gorgeous quilt! Plus I hadn't heard of 350.org so you just enlightened one more individual, thanks!

  129. What a generous giveaway, thanks for hosting it!

  130. I love this! One small thing I did recently was switch from ziplock bags to handsewn reusable snack bags in my daughter's lunch. Every little thing helps!

  131. We recycle. comport, grow our own veges, have our own chooks(chickens)and i love thrift stores, vintage fabric and so.

  132. I'm using fabric to make party hats crackers and wrapping this year to reuse every year at Christmas.

  133. What a cute quilt and the quilting is really nice too.

  134. I would love that fabric for my charm quilt. We have stopped using papertowels and ziplock bags. I am very passionate about preserving the earth. I actually wrote a paper for it when I tested for my teacher certificate.
    Thank you for the opporunity to win. Happy holidays

  135. Quilting is really something I would like to try, especially when I see great quilts like your 350 !
    Thanks for the Giveaway !

  136. What a great surprise to find a giveaway with an active message in it! I find your quilt gorgeous and wouldn't mind owning it. :)

    For the climate I: bike to and from work, drink tap water, use low-energy lamps, bring my own fabric bag when grocery shopping, buy very little clothes and try to eat more veggies than meat. And I'll continue doing this after the climate meeting in Copenhagen is over...

  137. the great thing about the giveaway is meeting other people with the same interests and you are problably my favourite people to "meet" so far.
    i'm so green i wouldn't know how to even be anything else. it really is under my skin. since i was a child i educated my parents, my neighbours, my friends, everyone i could. during summer holidays i would sign up for cleaning the streets, the beaches, organizing lectures about the environment.
    besides reducing our impact in the planet, i'm also dedicated to protecting animals. i have two adopted dogs who i love like crazy and i wish all the animals were so happy as they are, and so i volunteer in a national organization called SOS Animal, which helps mainly cats and dogs from the streets and into a new family that loves them.
    so i really really love your quilt and how it has such a strong meaning. i will now go find out more about 350.org because i didn't know of its existence.

    thank you so much for participating in this giveaway. whether i win something or not, this has made my day!

  138. A great message with a great giveaway. I try and do what I can to conserve energy, I don't drive, I turn on the lights only in the room I'm in, I don't use airconditioning unless it's really unbearable. That's maybe once in 2 months (I live in the tropics!)..
    Thank you for the giveaways and a lovely effort at raising awareness of the climate change issue. Happy holidays :)

  139. I love using selvages and would happily take them off your hands and out of the trash.

  140. Very cool! I love that quilt! What we do that's "green"? Well we turn lights off whenever we leave a room (used to drive me nuts that my hubby did this, but I'm getting used to it), we started composting, recycle, I've been trying to reuse things more too (glass pasta jars are great bead storage containers!), tupperware (instead of baggies), reusable grocery bags, the list goes on! Thanks for the chance to win!

  141. I would love to win the selvages! I recycle.

  142. I am recycling and I am working to reduce my electric usage at home. I am also cutting down on my gas usage because I chose to work at home. Thank you fore the wonderful giveaway! Very motivating!

  143. Fabulous! I save all my selvages and have toyed with knitting them into something, sewing them together to make a pillow or who knows what! (I've even grabbed one to wrap around a gift for a really crafty friend!)

  144. great quilt and I am just learning how fun scraps can be.

  145. I love your giveaway! I try to repurpose a lot - using babyfood jars for various storage and gifts, saving fabric and paper scraps for new projects and projects for the kids - I hardly throw anything away. I have loved reading the other comments and ideas - I never heard of putting a filled bottle in the toilet tank! I'm going to try that. Thanks for the chance to win!

  146. That is a very generous giveaway. I have been reading the website and it's so interesting. I always worry about what my children will be left with in the future, I feel like many people blame it on the Farmers (we are farmers) but I think its way to big to pin it on us and there would be alot of hungry people if there was no agriculture. Well done for bringing this topic to light.

  147. We try to conserve energy in our house by wearing sweaters & snuggling under quilts rather than turning the heating up & light candles instead of turning lights on whenever possible. little things.

    Great giveaway.


  148. Wow! I totally love this quilt and I totally love the 350 website! Thank you for making a point to encourage everyone to check that out! It is so exciting to see so many people joining from all over the world for something so important!
    jinglesells at gmail dot com

  149. My daughter loves to play in my scraps! I'll eventually sew something with them, but I'll have to do so when she is out of the room so she doesn't see me taking HER fabric.

    k.hofferberth at gmail dot com

  150. I love the quilt so so pretty. We conserve engery by not using AC at all and in the winter the temp is set at 60.

  151. Caring for the earth for our children and theirs' is the most important thing we can do. We compost our scraps and recycle what we can, plant trees and conserve water in our day-to-day living. I also keep lots of small scraps of fabric (to use 1 day). We each have to start small!

  152. What a beautiful quilt!!

    I won't step on my soapbox either. But I agree with you. Let's leave it at that! :)

    I'm a long time green pusher so I've always done recycling, and telling ppl around me to do so. Even my boss! Of course, I have lots of other things I do, but I won't bore you with that now. But I'll def. be back to visit you though!

  153. I love scraps, thank for the opportunity!


  154. so great to see your giveaway promoting change in the world! we have reduced to one car and walk and bike everywhere. we are pretty concious in general, but this year we are determined to eat more in season to cut out eating foods from miles and miles away. thanks!

  155. thanks for your advocacy and your give-away. so important!

  156. That quilt is just great. My two biggies are living without a dryer, by choice, and cloth diapering.

  157. I try to recycle everthing I can; use energy saving bulbs, turn off the lights, and use reusable shopping bags.
    Thanks for the giveaway

  158. What a great giveaway and fantastic of you to bring awareness of climate change. I am part of a local environmental group that is trying to bring awareness to the public and work with local institutions to bring change. Thank you!

  159. What an amazing cause! I did a paper this summer for a finance class talking about how green initiaves at home can add up to huge savings. The biggest changes we've made are using only compact flouresscent light bulbs, avoiding the use of AC and keeping our heat low, and trying not to buy tons of junk that we really don't need.

    Thanks for posting this giveaway offer!

  160. Your quily is beautiful and I strongly commend you for getting involved with such an important cause.

    Thank you for inspiring us and for the chance to win. :)

  161. We recycle a lot, make our own cleaning products, using soapnut shells for washing and I would love to use cloth diapers if I will get another child.
    Thank you for this fabulous giveaway and Greetings from Germany!

  162. I recently heard about 350 from my son. I'd love to win this quilt for him.

  163. We recycle everything we can. We have composts bins, plant and garden as much as we can so we can have at least during some months of the year, home grown vegetables and can some too. We buy local. We take our bags to the stores. make gifts, use fabric gift bags and sandwich and snack bags. Turn lights off and use as little water as we can. Just try hard in every little way we can. We are very aware of what's happening and trying to help some for the lives of the next generations.

    Thanks so much for your wonderful giveaway. Thanks for sharing.

  164. We keep our heat here in N. Dakota at a bare minimum (58 degree F) and use baking and cooking strategically throughout the day to minimize the need to turn on any heat. We also use cloth throughout out house - diapers, tissues,etc.

  165. I really love the quilt and the scraps!
    Not really making any climate changes though... :(

  166. What an adorable quilt for a great cause! I'll admit that I don't recycle as I should but my daughter is really great about "re-using" things around the house. I should listen to her more often!

    And the selveges! What a great idea. I have my scrap bag and plan on saving enough to do a quilt with them all.

    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  167. One way is to use reusable bags.. I love using them
    Lucie (contact LAupperlee@sheppardpratt.org)

  168. I suspect a lot of crafters are reusers/recyclers -- we tend to look at things and think, "I could do something with that..."

    One thing I have recently become aware of is how much *food* I throw away. It's shocking, really, once you start paying attention to it. Esp. as a singleton, I have to be more conscientious about not making too much of anything, or freezing extras immediately. Or not getting overwhelmed at the farmers market and coming home with more fresh produce than I can possibly eat before it goes bad.

    So this is my goal right now -- not to throw away any food.

    Nice blog! I'll be back!

  169. i hang out my clothes when weather permits!

  170. We have switch light bulbs. During the warmer months I use my bike instead of the car:) Thanks for the giveaway.

  171. Great giveaway, and great reminder. Efforts we make in our family: Cloth grocery bags...organic produce...CFLs...my husband is a bicycle commuter...cloth napkins...cloth diapers...non-toxic household cleaners.

  172. Great giveaway! Beautiful quilt, and one can never have too many scraps! You can even make handcrafted paper that incorporates fabric scraps. At home, we walk when we can, and try to hang-dry clothes whenever we can. Thanks for the chance to win!

    susanne dot ruder at gmail dot com

  173. I try to reduce/reuse and I recycle and I take the subway/walk/bus.

    Thanks for the great giveaway! Happy holidays!

    misszucchini at yahoo dot ca

  174. Ohh scraps are so much fun, especially someone else's. My mum had the great idea of reusing rags/old clothing instead of buying paper towels...then you just wash them and use them again! Thanks for the great giveaway.

  175. Fantastic quilt for such an important cause.
    I had already signed up at 350.
    I try to live a pretty green life - I craft with mostly thrifted and reclaimed materials, I do not drive, I always recycle, and I encourage others to do the same.


  176. Great giveaway! We recycle bottles, cans, newspaper, etc. We also use fabric shopping bags.

  177. I just love your work!


  178. thanks for the great giveaway! This quilt is beautiful!

  179. Fabulous giveaway, thanks so much for participating! We're doing lots of little things to green ourselves up - CF bulbs, cloth napkins, HE washer, eco-friendly soaps, keeping the thermostat lowered, reusing and recycling everything possible.

  180. Great quilt and giveaway! Thanks for posting.

  181. Beautiful quilt! I haven't really thought so much about how my sewing impacts the climate, but I know I'll start hanging onto even the smallest scrap. I'll use them to stuff toys!

  182. please enter me in your giveaway!

  183. Gorgeous giveaway! I love scraps of everything - I make quilts and quilted bags using all my fabric scraps! We have been using reusable bags for groceries and clothes shopping for years now. Also, we have converted to energy efficient light bulbs and low-flush toliets throughout the house!


  184. what an amazing giveaway! Oh, I hope I win!!! It's my birthday next tuesday!!! ;)

    Great way to raise awareness, I love it!

  185. The scraps are a great idea. And I love your work.

  186. I recently bought a water heater blanket to save energy. I admit I haven't put it on yet. This week it will get on though. Thanks for the chance to win.

  187. I know I already missed this, but I want to give you big kudos, my friend. How perfect! Way to go! What better way to raise awareness in the crafting community than what you just did? YOU GO, GIRL!!!!!

  188. Oh... and very, very beautiful quilting, my dear. I may have to copy that leaf. It's exquisite.

  189. Hi there! I know yr giveaway has been given away but I just wanted to write & tell you how gorgeous this quilt is ( & the others too, that you have made!!!). Happy New Year from Tokyo!
