18 December, 2009

Bits and Pieces

Life is a bit all over the place right now.  I'd hoped to have wrapped up the Quilt Along by now. My sincerest apologies.  But if you've been following along then your top should be done. And if you've been following, but not keeping up, then you are probably happy for the break to catch up. Or, the break to actually deal with a hectic holiday season. We'll return to wrap up the Quilt Along (or start it) in January.

Lately it seems like everything I do - whether it is life or quilting - is happening in bits and pieces.  We're knee deep in dust and noise as the basement reno is in full swing - new furnace and water system, walls, and concrete Oh My! Between work, writing, and family there is only time for snippets of life and creativity where one can get it.  That explains the above picture.  I was sorted small scraps while the girls played in the tub. I thought it was bad enough sharing those stylish, but horridly coloured bathroom sinks, so I spared you the charcoal/mustard combo on a 50 year old bathroom! But don't my piles look pretty.

I've been turning those piles into these blocks.

Single colour blocks of scraps, with that one bit of white thrown in for fun.

These blocks are so cathartic to make.  I can simply sit and sew, grabbing as I go. There is no plan to them.  I trim pieces relatively square and start sewing them in pairs.  Then I trim the seam allowances, press, and keep adding pieces.  After I have a couple of sections made I square them up and start playing with overall block layout.  Then I add or trim as necessary until I have a block big enough to trim to 16 inches square.

I say they are cathartic because there is no prep to them.  No cutting, no precision, no purposeful thought.  It is simply sewing.  And when life is throwing you so much it is nice to break down your creativity into simple processes to nurture the soul. No pressure either, just action. Little bits when I can steal little bits of time.


  1. Yes, it does seem to be 'here a little, there a little'. I kinda impressed myself by being done, but maybe it was just you were behind! 8^) January is fine by me!
    I do like your improvisational blocks. My first thought was 'cool' but they look pretty HOT!

  2. I like to make those same blocks. In fact, I can hardly stand to make a traditional block anymore--I'd much rather improvise.

  3. Simple is always good!....we could all use a little mindless sewing to meet our creative needs.

    Have fun!

  4. i love making scrappy quilts for that same reason. so fun to just sew with little cutting before hand. i love the splash of white in the mix. so nice.

  5. I did postage stamp blocks for my last bee that were all one color. They're still in my pile of things to finish. I LOVE them though and the not thinking is fabulous. Just tints and shades.

    Happy Everything girl!

  6. p.s. I am going to quilt my quilt top of my values quilt this coming month and I finished it in November I think.

  7. I have been sewing scraps together & don't know how the whole thing is going to end up so that will be quite fun! Your pinkish creation is soooo pretty! And today I learn a new word "cathartic" !

  8. Bits and pieces... girl, I know exactly where you're at.
    And I have to say, as a lover of most things vintage, I think the sinks look really cool. I'd love a bathroom with older fixtures (as long as they work). Speaking of, I hope the renovations are moving right along.
