11 November, 2009

Slowly Emerging

Thank-you so much for all your kind words over the past week.  With everything that was going on it was wonderful to get your support. I am slowly coming out of the fog that was mere survival. And, in case you were wondering, the girls are now healthy and Hubby has started to feel some relief in his pain.  He's got a ways to go in healing, but he is no longer glued to the couch.  Hell, he even turned off the TV the other day he was finally so bored.

I did get some good quilting in on the weekend.  Some friends offered to take the girls for a playdate so between that and naptime I had nearly a full day of quilting.  It did wonders for my to-do list and my emotional health. First on the list was the samples for my class.  It starts on Friday and there are one or two spots left if you are in town. Once that was done I managed to get ahead on the Quilt Along project.  I will be coming back to that next week. I am quite excited by how it is coming together!

One thing I did want to announce at this point is that there will be a give-away for those participating in the quilt along.  At the end of the posts I will ask you to share with me the progress you've made  - whether it's just picking fabric or a completed quilt.  I will draw a name of participants to receive some inspiring treats. And no, there will be no hints as to the prize.

We'll see you back here next week.


  1. So good to hear Cheryl! Quilting time always does wonders for my mental health too :)

  2. I'm so glad everyone is on the mend.

  3. That's great, Cheryl. Bones, toys, mental health! Glad things are on the mend. If your ears were burning its because I was bragging about ya to the Garnet Gals! Hugs!

  4. so glad to hear a good update, cheryl! can't wait to hear about your class. so wish i could attend.

  5. oh, and i AM going to pick my quilt along fabrics today. i must! i'm only telling you this so that you can keep me honest and check up on me. ok? ;)

  6. Glad to hear everyone's on the mend. Good luck for your class!

  7. glad you're getting back to normal. good luck with the class. you're going to be fabulous!!! (i have to admit i'm so jealous!)

  8. Yikes...what a rough week.
    Glad things are getting semi back to normal.
    Wishing you the best!

  9. Glad to hear your household is better and that you were able to snek some quilting in as well. I have the first cut of my fabrics and need to refine a little and am ready to go on the Quilt Along!

  10. I have my fabric picked out. I will finally get started sewing this Sunday. The lower level bathroom is done except for some miscellaneous caulking and touchup painting. The party to celebrate having a working bathroom all in the same room is tomorrow and then I will finally have my sewing life back after a long summer of remodeling!

  11. So good to hear that things are looking better... that was truly a full dish of the not so tasty life that you were served up... hope it's all sweet deserts from now on!

  12. hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
