03 November, 2009

On Pause

This was supposed to the post for week three of the Quilt Along.  Supposed to be. I'm sorry to say that I need to put the quilt along and my blogging on pause for a week or two. I hate to do this to you and please know that I had no plans to do it when I started the quilt along. But we've had 3 trips to the ER this past week, for three different family members. The little one had croup, possibly caused by the flu.  I developed an infection that thankfully turned out to be minor but has rendered my right index finger quite tender. And on Sunday night Hubby broke his collarbone playing hockey.

So, I am full-time caregiver for three people now, on top of working, preparing for my first class teaching, and other commitments.  Something had to give.  For now that has to be quilting. And blogging.  I'm falling down drunk with exhaustion these days.  Not drunk AND exhausted. Although...

I'll be back in a week or two, I promise. Thanks for your support.


  1. Oh no!! Lots of love to your family... and to you! Caring for others who are under the weather gets really exhausting, especially when you aren't 100% yourself. Hope you're getting some rest. :)

  2. It's funny how things happen in threes! I'm so sorry to hear about all the sickness and mishaps. I hope everyone heals nicely and you get some rest.

    I have to admit I'm relieved about the break because I'm not quite ready for the next step yet myself. Real life got in the way this weekend here too and I didn't get a chance to get my strips cut. I was just fretting last night that I was already going to be a week behind!

    I'm sending good thoughts your way for quick recoveries and lots of rest! See you in a week or two . . .

  3. Aw, Cheryl, so sorry to hear about everybody being laid up. We had a week like that here last week, too. It's exhausting, and the last thing you need is to worry about all of us. Like Bailey, I haven't managed to cut my strips either, so the extra time will be well appreciated. I hope everyone mends quickly. Good luck with your teaching - that's exciting!

  4. Hope everybody gets better soon!

  5. That's not good. Sorry to hear about the ER trips and best wishes for a speedy recovery for everyone. Take it easy and good luck for your class!

  6. Hope you are all feeling better soon!

  7. i hope everyone feel better soon.

  8. Cheryl, hope you're doing okay...and you little one and big one are mending too. Recovery and good health are top priorities, blogging can wait! But we'll miss you! let us know how things are going, even when it's non quilt related!

    Take care!

  9. That's tough, Cheryl. I'm also happy to wait as I am doing a major reshuffling and editing of the stash stacks. Very liberating and very disorderly. I have set aside a few more options for the quilt along though! Take care!

  10. Praying for your family and hope you all get to feeling better soon!!!

  11. Hope things turn around soon and I look forward to resuming your quilt along. This will give me more time to think about my fabrics and catch up :) I posted my preliminary fabric pull on my blog today but I think it needs some tweeking.

  12. Family trumps quilt-along. Take care of your brood and don't forget to take care of yourself!

    Sending rest and health your way...

  13. I hope that everyone is feeling better soon! You will be missed!

  14. When it rains it really pours! You have had a lot heaped on your plate and are wise to take a break from whatever you can. Take your time, fill up your well, tend to what's really important. I hope everyone stays healthy and accident free for a long, long time to come! xo

  15. Oh boy- I hope that everyone makes a quick and uneventful recovery. I'm sending healing thoughts!

  16. Oh no lots of love to you and yours family! Sorry to hear about the ER trips! >_< Wishing you and your family a speedy recovery! Love to you!

  17. I hope you and your family recover soon, take your time and get back on your feet, we'll still be here when you return.

  18. Hoping you and your family feel better soon. Take your time and don't worry about us. I know I have other projects to keep me busy. :o)

  19. Oh, no! I knew you'd had a crazy week but it's just now that I'm finding our exactly how crazy it was. I hope things have settled down a bit, that everyone is on the mend, and that you can catch your breath. Quilting can wait.
    Hopefully a little package will arrive soon...

  20. It all can wait. Try to fit in some time for yourself. I've found having to be at home with the gang all day rather productive for my sewing!

  21. I hope you all get better soon! Sending you warm thoughts!

  22. oh no! keep being on your break until you feel up to it. if it were me, i'd ease back in with the quilting. your peeps will wait till you can blog again :)

  23. I hope you all are on the mend! That is not a fun way to spend you days - take your time and big hugs!

  24. So sorry to hear. I hope you are all on the mend soon!
