03 October, 2012

Green Scraps

Much to my dismay, I'm still not getting much time to quilt. I would love to sit at the dining room table and make a giant mess with this gorgeous fabric. Alas, the mess being made in my house is from the painters and tilers working away in the basement. This, of course, is a very good thing. But between that and this, all I can manage on my mountain meadow quilt is a little organization by value.


  1. Just touching my fabric can appease me when life is too busy to sew. The same goes for admiring the fabric stacks of others.

  2. For very selfish reasons I am hoping you find lots of time for quilting soon!!


  3. Excited to see your new space! Have fun sorting ; )

  4. Oh! That is a lovely stack of green scraps. I can't wait to see you play with solids!

    I've traded my sewing time in for painting. It makes me one cranky mama. (well, the stress might be contributing to that, too.)

    Hope you find some time to sew soon!
