26 May, 2011

Almost Herringbone

There is cutting and sewing and pressing going on! Check out what those strips of Shades of Grey are turning into.

I was completely influenced by the fabric itself. Jan's bold graphics are so inspiring to me. Such a great change from florals these days. The one Ragg Tagg print fit perfectly into a concept I'd been exploring. So I essentially have taken that one fabric and made it large-scale for the quilt pattern itself. It was so easy to do and I love the effect.

And check out how well it all works with our patio chairs.

Depending on how my evenings go I should be able to share the finished project in a week or so.

Please stay tuned for another project I'm launching next week. This one's a biggie!


  1. Wow, that is a project where you need to know your values! So interesting...

  2. Every time I see a project made with this fabric I think that someone has taken the picture in black and white, and then I have to readjust my view of the picture. So interesting!

  3. Can't wait to see it finished!

  4. Ooh, I love this! I'm a huge fan of gray right now. And those patio chairs are awesome :)

  5. love the chairs and the quilts, wonderful!

  6. This looks great. love the fabric

  7. That's beautiful! I wouldn't have thought I'd like something in only shades of gray, but your design is so dynamic. It draws you in. Nice job!!

  8. What a great optical illusion with those shades of gray/grey! :-)

  9. wow... almost makes me want to play with gray... almost.. wink!

  10. Ultimate use of value. Love it!
